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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    the Paul bunch (none / 0) (#4)
    by Ed Burley on Fri Nov 26, 2010 at 08:37:03 PM EST
    is consistent. I know that this will take change incrementally, but can you name me one thing that the Republicans have done, or will do that will change anything? What good can we expect from the Snyder administration?

    What good from our new "majority" in the House? They'll try to repeal Obamacare, and then in 2012, they'll nominate the guy who invented it in Massachusetts.

    The Mackinac Center proposed many spending cuts that could have balanced the budget - in fact, created a surplus here in Michigan. The Senate, under Mike Bishop, gave us some of what was proposed. The House under the new state treasurer came up with no spending cuts (in fact over a billion in new spending) and new taxes. While in reconciliation, the Senate kow-towed to the House, and gave Granholm all she wanted.

    Give me some incremental changes, and I'll buy what you're selling. I doubt we'll see it though, but I'm willing to be wrong.

    Jason, let me give you one example of what I'm talking about here: You supported Kevin Elsenheimer for judge, I think (I voted for Stepka, a Republican). Elsenheimer, while a rep, was head of the GOP caucus, if I remember correctly. In all his years as a rep (he was in long enough to be term limited), he and his fellow Republicans could come up with only one way to cut the DHS budget.

    No, it wasn't to actually fire at least 50% of the state employees there, and fully privatize the foster care system. NOPE, it was to repeal a $10 a day increase to private non-profits who were trying to provide the more efficient service necessary for the system to work. He was unsuccessful (thankfully, since private workers make between 30-50% of what the state counterpart makes), so the budget remains way too high because not only did we keep the $10 a day but we were left with the same number of state employees gobbling up the resources. Why, if Elsenheimer and his bunch were real conservatives, didn't they work to get rid of these DHS union employees, who cost the taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars.

    Instead, they remain in their union-backed positions, adding more requirements to the already over-worked non-profit employees, who are quitting their jobs from lack of pay and burnout. It's just a matter of time, while the Republicans sit on their asses and do nothing, that the privatization that Mackinac Center has endorsed for years is driven out by the bureaucrats that the GOP won't touch.

    Same is true of the Teachers Union. The GOP talks about good education, but they wouldn't know it if it bit them in the ass.

    Pick my battles? I have. Privatization and Education. The Republicans are out-to-lunch on both. Why does this site praise Jack McHugh, and then spit on his ideas by criticizing Ron Paul and his "bunch." Last I checked, the MC backed liberty and free market principles. I see very few Republicans in office backing those principles. Very few.


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