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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Remember this (none / 0) (#2)
    by LookingforReagan on Tue Nov 16, 2010 at 10:25:16 AM EST
    Democrats never met a dollar of yours they wouldn't tax and never saw one of somebody else's they wouldn't steal. It is odd that so many people that are elected to Congress with net worths of under a hundred thousand dollars end up in two or three terms being worth millions. Jim Moran D-VA comes to mind. When elected 8 years ago he listed a net worth of around $64,000. A mere six years later said Congressman was reporting that he was worth over $6 million dollars. Strange as hell how that happens isn't it. And in many cases if you and I did the same things we would be arrested and sent to jail. But we the people are partially to blame. For to many years we have ignored or meekly accepted this as the way things are in Washington. We must demand more. We must settle for no less. Of course it doesn't help when an obvious crook like Charlie Rangell is re-elected while in the midst of what will turn out to be a very nasty result in his ethics trial. Let's see of the Democrats have the guts to expell this guy from Congress the way they did Jim Traficant. My money says no.

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