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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    www.OMGnotThoseBrilliantCommieTalkingPoints.com (none / 0) (#42)
    by Corinthian Scales on Wed Nov 17, 2010 at 10:24:53 AM EST
    Getting rid of Steele at this time would give Dems talking points for the next several. We can't afford that.

    Nonsense.  The fact remains that Steele only has the confidence of one-third of the RNC.  The remaining two-thirds do not.  One-third of the RNC is sitting on the sidelines open to new Chair leadership and the remaining third is seeking new Chair leadership.  Frankly, Steele has served his two-year term marginally adequate as an impetuous counter to the '08 cycle debacle, however, this does not automatically grant Steele entitlement to a second without debate.  To do anything otherwise is an old way of establishment Party conduct that enables the elitist within Party entrenched control.

    Speaking for myself, I am open to looking at all persons seeking the Chair of the RNC.  2010 has resulted in many changes, of which cannot be overlooked, the dispensing of incumbency at all levels of our political landscape.  The Chair of the RNC is not immune or exempt nor void of performance review of fiduciary responsibility and how the Chair conducts itself in public view.

    Now, to address those ballyhooed pesky "would give Dems talking points" issues and alleging the "personal goals" of challengers.  That dog just wont hunt.  The liberals have been enjoying their talking points that Michael Steele provides with some of his personal goals.

    Then... a what is is moment.

    Republicans, well, conservative Republicans should demand better from its Party Chair and I believe this is obviously reflected with the RNC's dismal financials heading into the 2012 campaign.


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