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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Sadly (none / 0) (#3)
    by LookingforReagan on Thu Oct 07, 2010 at 11:09:46 AM EST
    I fear that Snyder won't be much different then Job Killer Jenny. He is a Liberal Progressive RINO and that isn't what I am looking for or what Michigan needs. I am sure the party elders are tickled pink(o) to have this pretender as their candidate. But as a Conservative I am not thrilled with the chosen nominee. I held my nose and voted for the Golden Boy of the Rockefeller Republicans in John McAmnesty and we know how well that went. I fully believe had McCain been elected the country would be in about the same mess as with Dear Leader at the helm. To be honest Obama and McCain agreed about many things when it comes to policy.
    Now we Conservatives are being told once again to get on board no matter how distasteful the candidate we were handed is. Sorry folks but I cannot go any further with this sham. I have had my fill of being promised one thing and given another by Lansing and the District of Corruption. When will we be allowed to stand on princilple? Or should be all just get on board and follow the rest of the sheeple off the cliff. No thanks. Snyder won't get my vote now or ever. Nor will any other RINO pretender. I will cast a vote but for the most Conservative candidate on the ballot. We need to send a message that Conservatives will not support any candidate who does not believe in the Conservative principles we hold dear.
    While I have no doubt that Snyder will win, what kind of victory that ends up being remains to be seen. I for one am not all the hopefull that it will be for the better. The two biggest obstacles that we face in Michigan are getting a massive overhaul of the tax system and giving Michigan citizens freedom in the work place to make up their own mind about joining a union. It should not be a condition of employment that you be shaken down once each month in order to work. Can Snyder deliver? I have my doubts. He may win the election but in the end he will lose the larger battle for the salvation of Michigan. He just doesn't have the backbone for the fight.

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