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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Let's see. (none / 0) (#3)
    by LookingforReagan on Tue Oct 19, 2010 at 07:11:35 PM EST
    Now Dingell went to Congress when I was eight months old. I don't remember the event but I can read and fortunatly I like history.
    In 1955 Detroit had a population of over a million people. Today less then a half million call the motor or murder city home.
    Detroit, thanks to the auto industry was the richest large city in the United States. That is quite an accomplishment in light of the fact that New York had more people and other large cites as well. But Detroit and Michigan had the auto industry and all the suppliers that went along.
    Our manufacturering ability was the best in the nation and the world. We were the key stone in the arsenal of Democracy during WWII. Thanks to nearly 60 years of Liberalism in Detroit and the US all that has been destroyed. Detroit schools are the worst in the state and amongst the worst in the nation. Recently it was named the most dangerous city on earth. The entire southeast corner has been stripped bare by the stupidity of Democrats. CAFE standards were some of the first assaults on the auto indrustry that cost thousands of jobs to go to Mexico or Canada or to Asia. And yes John Dingell has been right there willing to be the dupe and a hack for the party just like a good little Marxist. He and Comrade Lenin and Comrade Stabs-us-now along with the rest of the Commie Libs in Congress past and present have done their level best to destroy what was the best and most productive economy of the fifty states. With a legacy like that who wouldn't want another 2 years of OLD John Dingell.

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