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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Unfortunately there was a bit of (none / 0) (#2)
    by JGillman on Mon Oct 18, 2010 at 01:17:04 PM EST
    rudeness after when he had to go, as some folks who used the word "coward" saying "walk away.."


    the "personal attacks" statement is meaningless as a reason to stay in and potentially give Pelosi a win.

    Its time he drops though.


    Jason...friend in spirit, if not action... (none / 0) (#6)
    by retvet242 on Mon Oct 18, 2010 at 08:17:05 PM EST
    Let me address your concerns as I see this argument...

    First off, the assumption that the jet to Ironwood was "corporate sponsored"...nice try, it was a paid charter through a supporter's contacts..I know you will dismiss this, but it's fact...

    As for Glenn's financials not being filed on time, the are contracted out to his accountant, and I will ask about the delay...and publish the response...

    The video you posted was/is also DECEPTIVE, as Glenn had another commitment to get to, and (if you took the time to view the entire episode in context) his speeaking time was up, and he was asked by the moderator to relinquish the floor...

    As for his "reneging" on a promise to withdraw, he said he would "reassess" his campaign as to whether to continue if he had no chance to win...why throw good money and time after bad???...and he gave no specific date anyway, the figure we were looking for was 15%, and (contrary to the Benishek camps contracted 400 voter sampling) our internals showed him at 18%, with a 1,000 voter sample of ALL ACTIVE VOTERS throughout the ENTIRE district, not just 20 voters apiece from the cities...as of right now, Glenn Wilson is within shouting distance of BOTH party candidates...

    As to the "split the vote" whining....many Democrats that would not vote Republican if their very lives depended on it have told Glenn and staff members that they have already voted for him absentee...so exactly whose vote is it he is splitting???...in my opinion (and in Glenn's view) he gives dissatisfied voters from BOTH persuasions a viable alternative outside the status quo...and this is the reality of the situation that both parties fear, LOSING THEIR GRIP ON THE POPULACE...

    The fact that the attacks on him are growing in number and intensity only lend creedence to this condition of the process as it has existed, and grown, for over 100 years....

    It is time for the people to speak and be heard...on to November!!!...

    PS....if Dan Benishek was the saviour you believe him to be, he would have had a 30 point lead on August 4th...and Glenn would have never filed...


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