Thee best line in the entire article was from DPS Board President Anthony Adams:
He argued much of the debt was accumulated when DPS was under state control from 1999 to 2005, while saying that steep cuts would be disastrous.
Yannow, I'm really tired of Detroits' indignation and lack of accountability. I also am way beyond sick of my coerced tax dollars being wasted on a culture of victimhood and extortion by the Peoples Republic of Detroit and their knuckle dragging, union backing, looting mentality.
Honestly, I really don't give a rats ass if their class sizes go to 100 per classroom. They barely graduate 25% of their student body anyway. Look, if Detroit doesn't expect better for themself beyond a cozy place on the Democrat plantation, then why would I.
Just don't use my gummint stolen money on them anymore.