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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    EPA (none / 0) (#1)
    by LookingforReagan on Wed Oct 13, 2010 at 10:40:05 AM EST
    Extreme Progressive Adgenda. Yes, agreed. One of three federal agencies or departments that have harmed the US and taken rights away from the people. The EPA, Dept of Education and the Dept of Energy all need to be dismantled and done away with. Since the inception of EPA federal overreach has gotten worse when it comes to wet lands, navigable waterways, manufacturing. Via the EPA, Socialists have been able to punish those who achieve using those that feel they are owed as the basis for their victims parade and war against manufacturing in the US. I wish somebody would include a chart of the number of manufacturing jobs that were in the US in 1950 and show the steady decline since. You can bet that the chart would show that the number of lost manufacturing jobs would dramatically increase at the point when the EPA was authorised and went into business. Another way the America haters have taken from us in order to redistribute to the rest of the world. A nation that can produce nothing is at the mercy of other nations including nations like RED China that seek to do us harm. Check out the story on the Drudge Report that China is now purchasing oil land in Texas. If we produce nothing we are nothing and that my friends is the aim of Obama and the rest of the Commie Lib Progressives in this country and their minions around the world.

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