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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    $700/pupil in cadillac healthcare benefits (none / 0) (#2)
    by Tom McMillin on Thu Jan 07, 2010 at 08:37:13 PM EST
    This Healthcare database is excellent - big picture, it shows about $700 per pupil or so is going toward excessive healthcare benefits.

    on top of this, disticts pay about 19% of salary costs into the state pension fund for school employees...I think the average business may match the first few percent (usually not 1 for 1 anymore)...so they might pay 1% - 4% of salary costs toward a 401K --- so taxpayers are on the hook for about 15% excessive retirement costs (which roughly equates to around $7500/yr/employee or about another $700 per pupil).

    So between excessive healthcare and pension benefits, it costs schools about $1,400 per pupil of extra costs that should be on the table...and they were complaining about $165 and an additional $127 p.p. cut (the latter didn't occur after the gov found her threat and dog-and-pony show didn't work).

    I'm pretty sure municipalities are in the same boat ("have to cut police/fire?  No - just show me their benefit packages).

    Ditto for state employees (see my benefits at
    http://www.gophouse.com/readarticle.asp?id=6061&District=45 )
    though legislators aren't in the pension system, but we do get 401K matches up to 7% of our salary.

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