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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    bad roads (none / 0) (#3)
    by grannynanny on Thu Jan 28, 2010 at 06:58:39 PM EST
    Michigan's weight limit is still at 80,000 lbs.  This issue has been debated for many years but the trucker's assoc, teamsters, road builders assoc and various unions have always opposed a reduction and donate tons of money to the democrats to keep the weight limits where they are.  Crappy roads = redoing the same crappy roads year after year.  These same groups opposed a reformulation of the asphalt and concrete used on the roads.  Other cold weather states use formulas that extend the life of the roadway but they were shot down here.  Michigan's roads are the worst in the nation.  It would take years to rebuild them so they are sound, safe and travel worthy for way more than 2-3 years thus insuring employment in this area for a long time.  By the time they are done with every last road it would be time to start over.  I don't understand the opposition to top notch highways that last.

    All they want to do is raise the fuel taxes for more funding rather than tackle the expenses first.  I would say almost 90% of our road work is attached with federal funds so we have to pay Davis Bacon wages which for a general road worker runs around $24/hr plus $12-14/hr benefits.  We are not getting the bang for the buck.  We have really crappy roads that cost a lot of money and don't last.  You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure that out - just a resident of Michigan with a vehicle.

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