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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Patients (none / 0) (#2)
    by grannynanny on Thu Jan 28, 2010 at 04:08:51 PM EST
    Because I am originally from the NE Michigan area I can tell you that most of the patients at the Alcona Health Center are Medicare or Medicaid so the net result is negative dollars to the center.

    American Process used to be Abitibi Corp.  They made hardboard panels used in building and bathrooms.  It was one of Alpena's largest union employers back in the day.  It was sold two or three times to different companies and for the most part is idled.  One of the last companies that held the deed wanted to tear it down but it is deemed a hazardous work site and would be more expensive to tear down and clean up - I believe the last estimate was $18-20 million.  This plant sits directly on Lake Huron/Thunder Bay River water front property and should be torn down, cleaned up and made available for commercial use  like a lakeside hotels and/or resturants. Investing $18 million to tear it down and clean in up for another use would probably employ more people long term.  

    Alpena's city property on Lake Huron either has industry sitting on it or is privately owned so they can't utilize it for tourism.  The waste water treatment plant is located directly on the water next to the marina. Unlike Traverse City that has tons of tourism due to lake side hotel/motel opportunities.

    Why doesn't Stupak help out with the coal fired plant being proposed in Rogers City that will bring permanent jobs and actually provide much needed power to that area?

    Stupak is like Duh One - always promoting bogus plans with taxpayer money and expecting us to be thrilled about it.  He needs to just go away!

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