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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Alternative action. (none / 0) (#8)
    by LookingforReagan on Wed Jan 27, 2010 at 01:19:20 PM EST
    Both the state and US constitutions allow for changes without having to call a Convention of the states or the people. The founders made the amendment process complicated for a reason. To make it harder for future leaders with designs on expanding government and power to achieve their goals. The amendment process here in Michigan is in the hands of the people. We have the power to make changes and demand that government accede to the will of the people. We can do this. There are some that need to be put forward. Such as an amendment that forbids Unionization of Public Sector employees. Anyone that derives there pay from tax payer support would not be eligible to form or be a member of any union.
    We also need to put forth an amendment to protect school choices. Including Charter, private and home schoolers. This right should be protected by the state constitution.
    Also Public safety. When times are tough as they are now the first thing the political hacks like the Czarina takes the knife to is police, fire and EMS. In this era of the Global War on Terror these areas should be the last things that are cut. There are plenty of other areas in the bloated state bureaucracy that can be cut in order to save money. But the public safety is the first order and line of defense for the average citizen against lawlessness and calamity. Can we work to these efforts. I fully believe we can. Afterall, it is our government, not the political classes and the elites as much as they believe that it is. Remember this. The old adage that there is strength in numbers has never been more true. There are many, many more of us then there are of the political class and the elites.

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