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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Con-Con? No way. (none / 0) (#10)
    by Republican Michigander on Wed Jan 27, 2010 at 11:47:48 PM EST
    Dennis, I still think is a ridiculous idea.

    1. What structure will improve government? Term limits? Can be fixed by amendment. That doesn't change the fact that the problem is that Granholm, Dillon, and Bishop don't agree. Once they are gone, you'll probably have many instances of divided government. Our old constitution says that the laws are passed by the legislature and signed by the governor. The new one will have the same thing. The MBT isn't in the constitution. Our laws, government elites, media types, etc will still be around no matter what.

    2. Who will run for delegate? Who will pony up the money? The seats line up with legislative districts. The bank accounts will be dry. Stryker will have his money. So will Hollywood. So will Soros. So will the unions. It's going to probably cost at least $40,000 per seat to win. Dennis, how will you be able to be a delegate right after spending a ton of money on your state rep campaign? If you win,you're barred. If you lose in August, you're probably in debt.

    3. For limited government conservatives and not hacks with famous names or insiders to get a good constitution, we will have to get lucky and run the table twice in primary and general elections 100 out of 148 times. Those odds are bad, even in a 1994 year. In 02, the GOP had 63 seats with redistricting, and something like a 23-15 state senate majority. 86 seats, and it wasn't a conservative majority.

    4. Even if I win the primary in my district (40% odds if I do everything right and don't have extra luck with will be 30% of any race) if I run, There's little I can do for 146 districts. I can vote in the 147th district.

    Do you like those odds, for a quick job with little to no pay?

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