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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    They know we're wimps! (none / 0) (#3)
    by maidintheus on Wed Aug 26, 2009 at 11:46:30 AM EST
    They know we're not about to utilize the various parks, YMCA, gyms, el al, for our morning routine. We can hardly stand it if we're on a boat that only has a porta potty. They know we will 'bear'...whatever the cost: See autos.

    This has been going on and we take little notice, with all our utilities and services. We just yell for Daddy to regulate our phones and such. We can't even handle our second amendment. If people see someone packin' heat, they call the cops. If a neighbor is renting out and there's an annoyance, we lobby our City Commission for an ordinance to ban and change our laws to RESTRICT (maybe we're jealous) rather then call the cops and remain FREE. We insist THEY (gov't) are the stupid ones...jokes! We are cheap talkers, huh?

    So, if there is no customer left, who will pay? I'm not convinced most of us would care about this enough to make the difference. Obviously, the stink is going to hit the fan eventually, then we'll be sorry we were too soft to suffer the inconveniences that would have made a difference. For example: How many people would be willing to endure going without (all) the provisions of having electricity from spring through fall, and would it take (if in mass exit) them that long to say (see insurance companies) uncle?

    It seems we need more JGillman articles on doing business. Costs are ALWAYS handed down to the consumer.

    On this latest, I wish there were a way for consumers (especially home owners) to get together and make agreements to not pay, at the same time. Surely we can come up with a plan to encourage business to discontinue their back door deals and pay attention to customers.

    We whine a lot but you know we're not gonna do jack nothin', that's how we got here: See our educational systems. Wimps talk like they care but their main objective is to not be inconvenienced. We (the market/wimps) will bear it.

    My dream (for now) would be reading articles by Corinthian Scales. I'd bet they'd be full of info and creative angles.    

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