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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    While you're thinking . . . (none / 0) (#42)
    by Kevin Rex Heine on Wed Aug 05, 2009 at 03:13:14 PM EST
    . . . contemplate this:  Each of those challenges that I posed to you (loophole methodology and constitutional workaround) does have a legitimate answer.  But I'm going to make you think about this for a bit before I actually give you the answer (in the expectation that you'll figure it out yourself).

    Note that each challenge has only one correct answer.  Each is fairly broad, ridiculously simple (two word answer each), and the only hint that I'm giving you is that defeating them is keyed to the butt-chewing I gave you last night.  Don't answer right away, I want you to stew on this for a bit.

    Incidentally, since I'm having such trouble getting Nick on the horn, here's another thought.  Go to the TEA Party of West Michigan and sign yourself up.  Then friend me and shoot me a PM.  I'll take it from there.


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