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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Lets not help ruin another word... (none / 0) (#8)
    by leondrolet on Tue Jun 30, 2009 at 10:54:49 AM EST
    First, the statists wrecked the word "liberal", which used to be a good word in the old, "classical liberal" sense. It used to stand for freedom of speech, equality, rule of law, etc.

    But statists adopted the word and, of course, trashed it with their "big-government rules all" "the collective is more important than the individual" crap. The public learned to despise the word "liberal".

    So these same statist collectivists needed a new word. They picked another perfectly good word - "progressive" - which they will now trash with their dysfunctional, immoral ideological garbage.

    Then they will abandon the word "progressive" and pick a new word to destroy.

    But stevemason does not provide enough entertainment or challenge. I am sure we could find a collectivist leftie who would provide a bit more difficulty or research or thought to rebut.

    If RightMichigan is going to be a top-notch blog, it should find a top-notch troll. There are some very smart and creative commies out there - lets do a search and find one. Interview a few leftie folks. It is a bit embarrassing to have a subpar troll.


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