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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    "the candidate the Party needs to win" (none / 0) (#16)
    by dsheill on Thu Jun 25, 2009 at 02:17:35 PM EST
    In response to the comment above...you take a shot at Hegal and Lugar for being liberal. What about GW Bush. This is what I don't get about how you people define RINO. As long as a candidate has an "R" besides their name and is endorsed by Right to Life, it seems as though you'll never accuse them of being a RINO. But being tough on terrorism and socially conservative doesn't make someone a Reagan Republican. By their voting records, both Candice Miller and Thad McCotter are both tough on teror and very pro-life. But both have some of the WORST voting records on trade and fiscal issues that the Club for Growth has ever seen. McCotter for example supported Card Check as S-Chip. So if you're going to back McCain, and these other "moderates," then let's call everyone out!

    As for Snyder, I will say that Nick was right all along. Now that he's finally talking about some issues, he's shown his true colors. A friend of mine said he opposed MCRI in a speech to the Macomb YRs. He's bitching about the governor cutting the "Michigan Promise" scholarship, which is nothing more than middle class welfare payments for college tuition. And finally, he told me personally that he thinks the Michigan Economic Development Corporation is a good idea, "if run correctly." No one issue makes you a RINO, that's why I get so pissed when we label someone a RINO singularly on their position on abortion. However, the "totality of the circumstances" here clearly weighs in favor of concluding that Snyder is a total RINO.

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