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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Clydes Dale..... (none / 0) (#6)
    by RushLake on Wed Jun 03, 2009 at 05:54:20 AM EST
    I'd be interested to know where you got those numbers of lost union members. I'm sure they probably lost that many members in the auto sector, but how many did they gain in the government sector? UAW Local 6000 is a huge government employee local here in Michigan. The U All Welcome is also into the Federal Government big time and has big presence in other states. If you look at the UAW website you won't find mention of Local 6000 or any of the other non-auto sector locals unless you really dig. The UAW nomenklatura doesn't have to concern itself with losing funding because, guess what, you're paying it via your taxes used to pay bloated government work forces all over the country.

    They put the sainted auto workers up as the public face of the Union because those "poor hardworking struggling to put food on the table" workers make for good press when you and I are oppressing them. The truth is that all "workers" in an extreme left wing world are expendable for the greater good. The greater good is that Ron Givemthefinger gets to keep his power until an orderly engineered succession takes place.  

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