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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Get a history book (none / 0) (#3)
    by stevenstmason on Tue Jun 23, 2009 at 12:34:43 AM EST
    "Despite predictions of Muslim disinterest in democracy, millions of people joyfully walked miles to cast their ballots, then proudly displayed their ink-stained hands after voting."

    The Iranians had an elected democratic government back in the 1950s before we decided it was better having a dictator run the county.


    Millions of Iranians have participated in elections since the overthrow of the Shah although those don't measure up to our standards of fair elections. To imply that Iranians only recently showed an interested in democratic government or reform displays a serious ignorance of Iranian and US political history. The claim that Muslims are disinterested in democracy is the kind of uneducated garbage that comes from some segments of the American political scene and from the repressive fundamentalists in Iran. How scary that they think the same way.

    What's really scary is that there are those who think that overthrowing the current reglead to fairies and unicorns. It will be good for the current regime to be overthrown. But why does anyone assume that will change Iran's nuclear ambitions or attitudes towards other countries like Israel? India is the world's largest democracy. It's also a nuclear power that is in a constant state of war with Pakistan and has serious internal battles over religious differences. Democracy doesn't equal peace and goodwill and we're deluding ourselves if we think that a more democratic Iran, which is a good thing by itself, will lead to any major changes in its attitude towards the outside world.

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