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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    No facts, just attacks from you. (none / 0) (#7)
    by RushLake on Thu Jun 18, 2009 at 06:17:21 AM EST
    A couple of days ago I had a gentleman from SC here at Rush Lake installing a satellite TV system. He is working on contract with the satellite company upgrading to the government's digital mandate and doing installations, etc. He commented on how cheap housing is going for in Michigan. He was curious about what kind of jobs people were getting under the Granholm miracle currently underway here. I said they weren't getting jobs and he commented that there were jobs in SC, and would be more if the Federal Government, you know Obama's Federal Government, would get tough on the illegals. Apparently there are jobs in SC, and obviously there aren't a lot of jobs in MI.

    My daughter has received three job offers this past week for teaching positions----in SC. No job offers in MI. Her friend has also received a job offer this week to teach----in SC; none from MI.

    Anecdotal? Perhaps. But, if your girl clueless Jenny is such a wiz, how come my kid (and a whole bunch of other Michiganians) has to move out of state to get a job? What are you, Clueless, Andy Drillem, and your buddies in the UAW doing to creat jobs here in Michigan? You democrats are in charge of Michigan and the US, how's that job creating economic miracle we heard so much about working for you?


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