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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    by dsheill on Mon Jun 01, 2009 at 09:59:50 PM EST
    "Take this to the bank: if there were not an inch of red tape left, that would not work either. If no one wants to create jobs, red tape is a moot issue."

    This is just a dumb comment because it fails to ask why no one would want to create jobs even if there was no red tape. But like I said earlier, there is no Dick Headley in this race. None of these current Republican candidates for governor have the will power (and even if they did, they would have to deal, barring a miracle with a Democratic legislature) to make the fundamental reforms in order the grease the skids of economic growth. Mere rhetoric about cutting taxes and regulation won't do it. Engler did a lot of good things, but he did some bad things as well. Among them was creating the DEQ based on the absurd idea that if you split it off from the DNR, you could isolate the influence of the radical environmentalists that work in a state agency.

    I actually asked Rick Synder what role, if any, did he think the government had in creating jobs. And more specifically, did he think the Economic Development Corporation or the 21st Century jobs program was effective in doing so. He claimed, that when he was in charge in of the Economic Development Corporation "it was working" (another creation of Engler), but he did think that the 21st Century Jobs program was a total waste of money.

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