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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Dont' hold your breath (none / 0) (#4)
    by Brady on Thu May 07, 2009 at 08:55:50 AM EST
    We're unlikely to see $1.5 billion in spending cuts proposed by Senate Republicans.  And there's a very good reason for that.  It's the same reason why there weren't signs at the tea parties enumerating actual spending cuts.  It's the same reason why in 2007 the Republican controlled Senate was "forced" by Democrats to agree to a tax increase rather than proposing to make up the deficit entirely with spending cuts.

    The reason is that the general concept of smaller government, lower taxes and reduced spending makes for great politics.  However, actual spending cuts make for horrible politics.  That's why we rarely see a list of proposed dollar for dollar cuts from majority caucuses.  Instead, cuts are proposed such as the Office of the First Gentleman that make for good partisan politics but don't provide for substantial savings.  Another way to avoid suggesting substantial spending cuts is Nick's love of the word fungibility.  Which simply is a way to say "take it from somewhere else" without having to say where that somewhere else is.

    The bottom line with the budget is that only about 1/3 of it is GF/GP discretionary spending where most of the cuts can be made.  And that 1/3 is primarily funding for higher education, public health, corrections and social services along with smaller amounts for local revenue sharing and the Michigan State Police.  Substantial cuts to the state budget are going to mainly come from those areas.  Cuts to many of the programs in these areas will also mean a loss of federal funding, making Michigan even more of a donor state than it is now.


    Someone's lost.... (none / 0) (#6)
    by jackietreehorn on Thu May 07, 2009 at 09:37:44 AM EST
    Someone has amnesia, or just a selective memory...In 2007 the Senate Republicans passed a bill resolving the entire budget deficit with all cuts. Go back and read a journal from the Senate, it's all there.  The House of Representatives refused to take the bill up, sat around til the time ran out and jammed the tax increase over to the Senate.  

    I guess it's easy to criticise when you don't have to recognize facts.


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