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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    this part (none / 0) (#8)
    by Eric T on Mon May 18, 2009 at 09:48:38 AM EST
    "Hopefully one day they will do what Hugo Chavez did, and tell these companies, we own those factories now, get out."

    I was referring to China nationalizing, throwing out American corporations, and it could happen. Imagine they have a problem in Taiwan?? America sides with Taiwan or anywhere. In NAM, they supported the North, U.S supported the South. Same in Korea. They wanna buy our stuff fine. They wanna build the stuff there, sell it there. They got alot of people, they could build the stuff and sell it to their own people.

    I thought Bush, giving the automakers a loan was the right thing to do. Obama on the other hand, I don't think is doing a good job, dealing with the automakers. By encouraging GM to import Chinese cars.

    This is how I was looking at it. As a former stock and bondholder of GM. I get the shit end of the stick. They close down a bunch of plants, parts suppliers, unemployment shoots up to historic levels, the value of my house falls thru the floor.  And these guys wanna send the work over to China. So then in time Ford and everybody else has to do the same thing to stay competitive on their labor costs. Further eroding any chance. of the auto industry being able to provide a decent wage to workers here.

    If they do, I hope it backfires and China screws them.

    I like GM, don't get me wrong, I wanna see Buick Grand Nationals, built here. Monte Carlos, built here.

    What I was saying is Jesse's message, if it is the Whites being the root of all evil, ect.. I can't listen to it. I have heard over the years, black nationalists talk of foodworkers spitting in whites food. Or that black men should try to go out an impregnate as many white women as they can. I don't wanna hear that kind of stuff. but
    This buy American message is a message, is a total improvement, from the older Jesse material, that was completely focused on racial issues. I can see the new message as something positive that, I like.

    I think auto companies and parts suppliers could again provide work to the people here and get them off welfare and unemployment. Create wealth, and prove capitalism, can improve peoples lives.

    I was looking at a chart of Michigan unemployment and Up-North looks hit real hard.

    Gillman did it clear it up or is it still un-republican?

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