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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    From stupid... (none / 0) (#44)
    by Brady on Sun May 03, 2009 at 12:40:01 PM EST
    Why should Republican care what Democrats think?  For the same reason that Democrats should care what Republicans think.  BECAUSE WE SHARE THE SAME COMMUNITIES AND THE SAME STATE!  We live together.  The decisions our government makes affects both Democrats and Republicans.  

    I'm not a soldier for a political party.  I'm an Michigander with the ability to think independently.  I'd describe myself as a progressive centrist with the original meaning of "progressive".  I'm pro-Life and strongly pro-Second Amendment, but I generally disagree with the types of people that showed up at the tea parties about the role of government.  Like Republican Michigander, I blog on both Right Michigan and Michigan Liberal.  I don't do it to troll or for narcicissism.  I do it because I believe the exchange of political discourse between folks on the left and on the right, as well as those of us in the center, produces a better society.  I also believe that a political system with at least two strong parties is necessary to keep government honest.  If you feel that is stupid or idiotic, so be it.  While I don't object to Nick pointing out I'm a Dem staffer, I'm not blogging here as either.


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