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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    This was a tough issue, and the attack unfounded (none / 0) (#17)
    by chetly on Fri May 01, 2009 at 04:04:03 PM EST
    The attack by Nick on the 12 is completely unfounded.  Questioning the conservative bona fides of the likes of Opsommer, Amash, or Lund for this vote baffles me (those are just the three I'm most familar with, I'm not saying the others don't have equal bona fides).  You have fallen into a nasty trap the Dems tried to set here - the irony is a I agree with your position (I think) and disagree with the 12.

    I personally support no reason absentee voting (with ID) though I personally would have voted against this bill because it was flawed badly. Everyone here should agree with me, I'd hope. I'll elaborate momentarily.

    This is a tough issue and I know many Republican legislators thought about it closely.  

    Here's the DIRTY TRICK PART BY the Dems:

    Introduced version:

    Substitute version:

    For those preferring to just let me tell them the dirty trick, here's the difference - in bold, two added phrases:

    The elector shall apply in person, or by mail, by facsimile, or by electronic mail with the clerk of the township, city, or village in which the elector is registered.

    The bill allows individuals to apply by e-mail or fax!  But not the original proposal - a devious substitute amendment to do it.  So someone could request an AV ballot for dead relative by e-mail, fill it out, and it would be nearly impossible to catch. That's just the micro levelo. Sure, that's possible today with mail (a federal felony though, email not) but I'd propose harder for a number of physical reasons.  An ACORN type of targeted effort could send out hundreds or thousands of false e-mails to live voters who didn't ask for AV ballots - the requests would be targeted demographically to influence the outcome and while the vote might be real the sender would have an advance ability to target those voters with mail or worse with groups of known dead voters, mail interceptable in group homes, etc.

    I'd like it to be easier to vote.  Indeed, I'd like to see 100% turnout of individuals vote as easily as possible - but I'd also like to see it done 100% securely.  There's a disconnect between the two parties on that point.

    I'd support true no-reason absentee voting that had the same protections as live voting, and I suspect a number of other Republicans would have too.  So do I think the 12 you criticize made the wrong vote?  Yes, but not for "political expediency" - I think they probably weighed some tradeoffs (less regulation on the voter as to the forced incrimination of the absentee reason statement versus identification) and they accepted the bad with the good. You've taken 12 (seemingly) good Republicans to woodshed unnecessarily here.

    That doesn't mean the ideal can't be passed by the Senate though. And that's how we should combat it - instead of "no" to easier absentee voting, "yes" to more secure and easier absentee voting!

    The issue is not ease of voting or absentee voting - its security and identification that those voting are the correct person voting.  If we lose with higher turnouts so be it - turnout has never scared me and I'd rather have the endorsement of 100% of the population on a ballot issue or as a member of any party than some smaller number.

    Chetly Zarko
    Outside Lansing & Oakland Politics

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