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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Smoking ban (none / 0) (#1)
    by dsheill on Wed Apr 08, 2009 at 08:37:39 AM EST
    You got to give Dillon credit, he found a convenient excuse to escape a losing political issue. Reps like Paul Scott will argue that smoking bans are actually quite popular with the vast majority of the people. It's not that simple in my opinion. You need to look at what I call "issue saliency." For example, take abortion. Those who are pro-life often use the issue as an outright litmus test for who they vote for. In other words, it's an automatic deal- breaker issue for a large block of voters. With smoking, I'm sure the vast majority of Michiganders no longer smoke, and when I'm at a sports bar I prefer to sit away from the smokers. However, that does not mean that supporting a smoking ban is a litmus test for who a vote for. On the contrary, I believe the issue IS a litmus test for the significant minority block of voters who still DO smoke. Many of them I might add are liberal Democrats who I went to law school with. They get so pissed when the supposed party of civil rights turns on them with this issue.


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