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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    True Conservatives (5.00 / 2) (#9)
    by MichWolverine on Wed Apr 22, 2009 at 05:25:56 PM EST
    This posting is the 'problem' with the GOP, not the 'solution' -- TRUE CONSERVATIVES DO NOT LABEL PEOPLE.

    I noticed that the writer is very concerned with various 'groups' of people and sets a desperate tone to 'attract' more of these people to the GOP.

    TRUE CONSERVATIVES CARE ONLY ABOUT IDEALS, and whether or not those ideals reflect the values upon which this Country was founded -- God, Country, Fiscal Responsibility, Personal Responsibility, etc.

    The shared values of true Conservatives do not recognize nor pander to 'groups', but rather represent a call-to-arms for all Americans, regardless of race, age, gender, religion, or any other group to whom the other political parties pander.

    If the GOP wants to win, it simply needs to shine a light on the vast differences between Conservatives and Liberals.  Rather than running against an individual, our candidates need to run against the true Liberal beliefs.  You know, those wacky beliefs that Liberals, themselves, prefer not to mention until after they're elected (because they know most Americans would not share their radical views, so they have to keep them under wraps).

    When provided with information of good versus evil, human nature dictates that most people prefer to see themselves as good.  They prefer to see themselves as loving America rather than hating their own country. They prefer to see themselves as hard workers who drive our economy forward rather than viewing themselves as free-loaders.  Most Americans believe in individual freedoms rather than Government control over their lives.  When the GOP begins to point out these 'obvious' differences between the parties, most people will determine that they have more in common with the Conservatives, and would be embarrassed to be cast as a Liberal.

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