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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    A few notes from Nick... (5.00 / 1) (#1)
    by Nick on Sat Mar 21, 2009 at 01:25:45 PM EST
    What's up, team... a few notes, for the sake of clarity and due diligence:

    1) Lansing insider publication MIRS approached Snyder yesterday to ask about his position on life issues. Snyder declined to speak with MIRS and sent his spokesman to address these issues instead. So to speak. According to MIRS:

    Waters declined to give Snyder's position on the Michigan Business Tax (MBT), the MBT surcharge or the state budget. He also declined to state if his boss is pro-choice or pro-life.

    "As you can imagine, he has very strong opinions on issues, but he's at the listening phase right now," Waters said. "He's interested in hearing what the citizens have to say."

    2) I personally approached the Snyder campaign directly through John Yob and requested an interview after Yob claimed my "moderate" claims were off-base.

    Mr. Snyder through Mr. Yob declined the opportunity.

    3) Instead, Snyder ostensibly granted an interview to Jerry Zandstra, a former candidate in the GOP Senate Primary in 2006.

    4) Worth noting that Snyder and Zandstra are both current or former Yob clients.

    5) I find it more than a little curious that Zandstra didn't ask the candidate about his political giving, the basis of pro-lifers criticism.

    Mr. Snyder has not addressed his donation history.


    -Why has he chosen to give thousands of dollars to a Democratic Congressman?

    -Why was his only political giving in 2008 a giant check scribbled to Cure Michigan, a ballot campaign that supported 100% fatal, 100% obsoleted human experimentation?

    -Why has he given big-bucks to the IMP-PAC, a political organization that exists for the sole purpose of building a pro-abortion wing in the Republican Party?

    6) I am, personally, disappointed that Jerry Zandstra, someone whose stand for life I've always appreciated, decided not to address the root issues. But I'm just one guy.

    What do YOU think?

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