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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    auto parts suppliers (none / 0) (#1)
    by Eric T on Thu Feb 19, 2009 at 09:43:49 PM EST
    The above post stated,
    "More Michigan workers are employed in the supply industry than direct auto manufacturing, but many suppliers are on the verge of bankruptcy."

    The idea that was recently floated out there, about making a new law, that allows each state to set its own auto emissions standards, would without a doubt be a huge burden on the Big 3 automakers. Right now, These guys are hanging on by a thread, and don't need to have 50 different models, one for each state.

    If you have ever been to Los Angeles, and seen the smog, you can understand why Gov. Arnold or someone from a highly populated city would want cleaner air.

    The demand for reducing pollution, is there, auto parts suppliers, could be producing after market exhaust systems, in mass numbers, maybe it could be just 2 or 3 catylic converters, in a row, and some filter element that you change every so often. but it is a product that some states are demanding, and it could be built, right here in Michigan, by part suppliers, that need the work.

    If Arnold and the California lawmakers are serious about it, they will eventually find someone that will build the stuff, they want.
    Their best option would be these local part suppliers that already have the machinery and equipment to build this stuff.

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