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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    more on stimulus package (none / 0) (#2)
    by Eric T on Thu Feb 12, 2009 at 10:46:31 PM EST

    I'm grateful for the $400 tax break, the point I was trying to make is it has more buying power, in one lump sum, up front. but it is still good even if it is from paycheck to paycheck.
     Everytime, I see the governor or any politician, try and save me some money on taxes, I really am grateful.

    I was wrong about what I said early about that bill not stimulating industry, The House Representative from my district, put some huge tax breaks in that bill.  


    "One last-minute addition was a $3.2 billion tax break for General Motors Corp. that would allow the ailing auto giant to use current losses to claim refunds for taxes paid when times were good. GM got a $13.4 billion federal bailout late last year -- and is expected to receive more in 2009 -- and argued that without the provision, its government-financed turnaround plan could force the company to pay higher taxes.

    The legislation does not mention GM specifically, but the company has been lobbying hard for the provision for months, with help from Michigan's representatives in Congress. "We wanted to make sure that the restructuring wasn't counteracted," said Rep. Sander M. Levin, D-Mich., a supporter of the provision.

    It was not immediately clear why the provision had not been included in the bill that cleared the House several weeks ago.

    Negotiators sweetened another tax break at the last minute, doubling to $1.6 billion a provision that would benefit businesses that buy their own debt at a discount. It was a major priority of business groups such as the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which argued it would help firms and banks clear debt from their balance sheets and begin to hire workers and lend money to customers. The business group announced its support of the bill, despite the heavy opposition from its customary Republican allies in Congress."

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