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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Opening schools of choice to ALL schools... (none / 0) (#3)
    by pauldpeterson on Thu Dec 03, 2009 at 02:13:20 PM EST
    ...is the solution to inject more competition, while providing choice to parents with what amounts to their OWN MONEY coming back to them for their children's education. It's funny how the same crowd that argues in favor of "choice" on one issue, vehemently fights against it in another.

    Private schools concentrate more on educating children in REALITY, not agenda, only within the world view of its customers. Giving people the opportunity to LEAVE the public school arena when they disagree the world view and agenda education given there may be the quickest way to change it.

    Of course the teachers union needs to be dealt with. I find it amazing that we apply the Sherman Anti-Trust Act to corporations, but not to non-profits and national unions. Why not? If we are to recognize people's right to organize in their employments locally, does this give them the right to strong-arm their members from a national organization to the local level, AND force their politics on everyone else, all in the name of "free thought" or defiance of exposure to the viewpoints of their opponents? Conservatives who must be in a union to work lose their own rights and liberties, and are taxed by the union without representation. This goes to the related argument of how our state needs to become a Right to Work state, not a Closed Shop Union State.

    Other than that, and over time, it is the position of the highest law of the land that Leftist agenda should NOT be allowed in schools any more than church doctrine should, although recognition of God in public life is very important.

    For more on this, please visit my blog: "Big Picture 2: God in the Context of Government". I won't belabor it here, but I encourage you to go and read it. Thanks!

    Paul "Revere" Peterson
    Conservative Patriot
    Internet Columnist

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