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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    MCMannus, Brown and George are Out... (none / 0) (#2)
    by apackof2 on Fri Dec 18, 2009 at 12:46:15 PM EST
    Thank you to everyone who has communicated with me over the last few weeks about the smoking ban recently approved by the Michigan Legislature. While the support the ban received from more than 70 percent of Michigan voters - including a super-majority of my constituents - was compelling, in the end it was my pro-taxpayer and pro-life principles that led me to vote in favor of this legislation.


    As a fiscal conservative, my vote in support of the smoking ban reduces the amount of money our state spends on its biggest line item - Medicaid. Budget experts agree we will see a net savings of taxpayer dollars as a result of this - dollars I would prefer to see spent on priorities like education, roads, and tax cuts.


    The two physicians in the state Senate, Dr. Tom George and Dr. Roger Kahn, agree that this is the single best thing we could have done to encourage a healthier Michigan. While both Senator Cameron Brown and I have voted for a total public smoking ban in the past, this legislation, with its minor exceptions, satisfies those fiscal and public health goals.

    Consistent Record

    Unlike others in the race for Secretary of State, I vote based on my principles, not political expediency. My voting record consistently reflects my values. My pro-taxpayer, pro-life principles guide me in the Legislature the same way they will guide me as your next Secretary of State.

    Regardless of whether you support my decision on this issue, I wanted to let you know what my guiding principles were on the vote. If you have a moment, I would appreciate hearing your thoughts as well.


    Michelle McManus
    State Senator

    Guiding principles?
    Oh you mean like ""Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness"?

    "Encourage" a healthier Michigan?
    We aren't talking encouragement here Michelle, we are talking a legislative mandate!

    I wonder what other measures our "dear leaders" will choose to "encourage" us with?

    Desperately seeking Constitutional Conservatives candidates in Michigan

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