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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Not just a UP problem. (none / 0) (#1)
    by LookingforReagan on Thu Nov 19, 2009 at 01:09:10 PM EST
    For to long the southeast corner of this state has been able to run everything. From installing two failed Democrat Governors to making policy and even getting everyone else in the state to pay higher insurance premiums in order to drive a car in order to subsidise their lack of automobile operating skills. The elites in the Ann Arbor-Detroit corridor have imposed their narrow, biggoted and ignorant views on the rest of us in this state for to long.They have foisted glittering jewels of colassal ignorance upon us by continuing to support Senators Lenin and Stabs-us-now. The two most powerless Senators in Washington DC. The only good thing is the Socialist Progressive policies they all seem to favor are doing two things. Reducing Detroit, Ponitac and Flint into giant brownfields with no jobs,no hope and by the evidence of the flight from Michigan, no citizens. Soon the power of that area will be broken as the population shift is continuing to drain one Progressive voter after another away from this failing state and sending them to other areas of the country.It is also making people understand that Progressives have no problem telling others how to live but they have a problem with living under the restraints they seek to place on the rest of us.Part of the blame can be laid at the Republican party in this state. Opportunities to support candidates with a Conservative view have been squandered. Until Republicans get their act together here in Michigan and get the National Party to show us some respect we will never regain control and be able to roll back the Liberal Socialist agenda. There have been several chances to make political changes but for some reason the State and National Parties don't beleive that Michigan can be won or that we are not worth the effort. With that attitude they will continue to fail until this state fails completely. There are thousands of Conservatives in this state pleading for Conservative leadership. How many Conservatives stayed home on election day a year ago because they felt they had no candidtate or no chance to win. That can be laid at the State Party and the RNC. Until this unrealized potential is understood nothing will change. As it mentions in the article, look beneath the surface and you will find a wealth of people ready to reclaim this state and our country.

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