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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Great Post (none / 0) (#6)
    by Rougman on Thu Nov 19, 2009 at 12:56:08 PM EST
    I am at a loss as to what an old fart white guy can do about much of this.  I'm already friendly to every person that I meet but I have to admit I've never run into Michael Moore at the craps table.  

    I think for too long the Republican Party has tried to make itself more attractive to certain constituencies by remolding itself for the sake of recruitment.  This is how we have come to find some Republican legislators favoring minimum wage hikes and why others can buy into whatever the bailout of the month special happens to be.  There are countless other examples and they all hurt the party.

    There are few constituencies that have been more bombarded with the messages of entitlement, envy, and victimhood than has the black community.  Socialism sells quite well regardless of where it is being sold, but when specific communities hear the same message from nearly all angles it becomes particularly effective.

    I believe that whites can help with the recruitment of black people into the conservative movement, but it will still have to be accomplished primarily at the street level.  It will have to be accomplished through the teaching of sound economics in school.  It will have to be taught through the rewards of hard work in teenage jobs.  It will have to be taught through the structure of a nurturing family.  It will have to be taught above the blatherings of self proclaimed black leaders such as Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. (Thomas Sowell, anyone?)

    Sadly, what we have in place now is a teaching industry beholden to union economic theory, a job market wiped out by a government that punishes successful businesses, and a family unit being attacked by government policy that has systematically rewarded family dysfunction.  

    It is going to be a long tough slog.  

    • Re: Great Post by Political Agenda, 11/20/2009 01:52:29 PM EST (none / 0)

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