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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Such a wonderfully straight forward post. (none / 0) (#1)
    by maidintheus on Thu Nov 19, 2009 at 09:04:51 AM EST
    This is simple to understand and anyone can experience the accuracy in individual lives.

    In areas where we are still free to choose where we shop (that would exclude schools and health insurance)such as grocery stores and malls, if I could dictate where people shop for groceries and which mall they could enter, they would have a fit. Yet many of these same people are encouraging more of the same in the area of schools and health insurance.


    The powers that be, who provide all the angst for said people to hold these kinds of ideologies, do so on purpose. There is not one spec of good will intended. We should not continue to give the free pass of ignorance to our rich and mega rich politicians who are highly educated and often have a predominance of an Ivy league education.

    People pay to attend the Michael Moore films and hear him trash talk capital. His fat azzz grows ever more rich. Hello!!! If he thinks capital is sooo bad why does he retain capital rather then redistribute it to all those less fortunate, just here in MI? Yet, the less fortunate people are the very ones who seem to support these hypocrites the most. Double weird!

    If these less fortunate ones took the money they spend on movies and cd's and pooled it in their own communities they would soon be able to start a community business coop. The coop members would get a direct cut of the capital. Community members would have a direct stake. Sort of like the community of American Indians, only better. The businesses would be chosen carefully to be ones that would encourage families to move into the areas.

    Nah, why do that when stealing on an individual and/or political level seems to take less effort and is far more exciting. Those who end up in jail for it can be used as fodder for political correctness and guilt tripping. It can easily be perpetuated into the next generation as baby momma can't raise no better baby without baby daddy. Mmm, mm, mm, I'm callus, as are all people who try to share the obvious.    

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