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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Am I the only one. (none / 0) (#10)
    by LookingforReagan on Wed Nov 11, 2009 at 06:13:31 PM EST
    Am I the only one that finds it strange that our dear leader, Jenny No Jobs has not asked teachers, or other state government employees to take any wage and  benefit concessions? Now our dear Governor has no problem taking more tax money from we in the private sector anytime her piggy bank is running low. But somehow there is not the same requirement for the privledged class of the government worker. How is that exactly? In a state that has been in financial straights since she has been in office she still sees fit to grant annual raises, cola and benifit increases for state employees even though they are paid many times more money then their counterparts in the private sector. She also insists on increasing the number of state employees even though the population continues to shrink as thousands flee the state in search of jobs and prosperity. Why this all needs to be so hard is beyond me. It is simple. To the state unions you say take a 5% cut in wages and benifits or we cut ten thousand people from the state payroll. Simple. To the teachers take a cut in pay and benifits and start paying more of your insurance. The need for teachers in going to be reduced as more students are going along with the moms and dads that Granholms policies have caused to lose their jobs because the companies they worked for have moved or shut the doors. This is all so typical of Liberal Democrats. They foul everything up and expect the citizens to bail them out time after time. The governor has come to the well one to many times as it is. It is time to hold her feet to the fire and make her make the hard choices. No more bailouts.

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