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      Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

      Raise the curtain.

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      safety first(but whose?) (none / 0) (#1)
      by sailingconservatively on Fri Oct 02, 2009 at 10:13:30 AM EST
      The sacred safety of a occupied seat in the House or Senate has and always will, trump the safety of the unborn child, marginalized or indigent of our society.

      Many dollars have already been spent taking the temperature of "up for grabs" districts around the nation to determine the viability of a candidate should (and how) they vote on this tempestuous issue.

      Our efforts here in Michigan need to focus squarely on the removal of sen. Stabenow, sen. Dingell, sen. Levin, congressman Stupak, the governorship as it currently stands and those that sit on benches with life and liberty in their hands.  

      The proliferation of information is astounding and its accuracy is testimony to the efforts of those whose passion for Truth is of paramount concern.  

      We as a population now know fully the situation and must focus all efforts to make certain that this state and nation does not continue moving in the same direction.

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