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      Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

      Raise the curtain.

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      Well it is his own fault. (none / 0) (#1)
      by LookingforReagan on Fri Oct 02, 2009 at 04:41:12 PM EST
      I mean after all. This guy has spent more then two years running all over the world telling everyone who would listen ( our enemie were)how terrible America was. He called us evil, selfish,flawed and greedy. He disparaged our military and all the sacrifice we have as a nation endured on behalf of the other countries of the world so that they could enjoy freedom and liberty. After all the America bashing that Our Dear Leader has engaged in who would want to have anything to do with the United States? Who has been responsible for that bashing? A man that was elected by the people of this country to the most powerful elected Office in the World and still we hear that because there are those who disagree and debate that we are racist and evil. Seems that his Secretarty of State claimed that was the highest form of patriotism. I guess only if you are a Progressive Liberal type. For everyone else they need to shut up. But when you disparage the greatest and most generous nation in history and tell the world what a terrible people we are. What does he expect. It is becoming clear to even the Koolaid drinkers on the left that Our Dear Leader is a light weight that can talk pretty but has absolutely no substance what so ever. He is in over his head and that makes this world an ever so much more dangerous place becasue of his arrogance and Pollyanna view of the world.

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