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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Debates (none / 0) (#6)
    by Rougman on Wed Oct 01, 2008 at 11:46:37 AM EST
    Debates have become very important on our political landscape but I think that this is unfortunate.  

    We have years to evaluate people like John McCain and Joe Biden.  By this point in time, we should be able to regurgitate every point of political minutiae that could ever have applied to them.  With Obama and Palin we have a shorter period of time in which to familiarize ourselves, but it is easy to get the facts with only a little digging.  

    We can see how these people have voted under fire.  We can read of the foundation of their philosophy, and we can see quite plainly how well both their personal and political lives reflect what they supposedly stand for.  This, however, isn't enough for many to base their votes on.

    No, custom dictates that the candidates must go in front of cameras so that some voters can make their ultimate decisions based on off-the-cuff responses and postures to questions specifically designed to elicit off-the-cuff responses and postures.  Maybe if the questioner is really good she can trip an opponent (preferably the conservative one based on the make up of today's media.)

    "Oh no! He used a double negative."  Or, "He looked so stiff and uncomfortable."  

    I twist my own words every day.  I'd hate to be held accountable for errant words delivered in front of 50 million viewers instead of the way I've proven to live my life, as imperfect as that is.  Of course we hold those people running for President and VP to a high standard, and they should be able to communicate effectively, but their positions should count for much more than their eloquence.

    I could not care any less about whether an avowed socialist presents in very eloquent prose why he should be placed into power.  A national health care plan advanced in good grammar and poetic words is still socialized medicine.  Nor do I care if a proven fiscal conservative seems ill at ease when asked whether or not an unqualified home seeker should be offered a government backed mortgage. In a smokey back room office, I want the candidate to pull the plug on the loan!

    People who wait to watch these debates to make their voting decisions are making them based on the tip of the tip of the iceberg.  We might as well just go and vote for the tall guy.

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