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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    one of the best...really? (none / 0) (#2)
    by prattleon on Tue Jun 17, 2008 at 06:36:19 PM EST
    first of all that had nothing to do with Michigan other than that happens to be where the author lives.  This is clearly a national issue.  And Nick would have deleted or blocked further comments on it if he disagreed with its content.  

    Secondly, the premise of the blog was:  John McCain is not really very conservative, but since he believes that gays shouldn't have the same rights (maybe...who knows what the liar really believes) as heterosexuals, we should be ok with him.  what a horrible reason to support someone.  

    The issue of marriage should not be a government issue at all.  No one gay or straight should need permission (a license) to get married, and no one should get preferential treatment or vice versa for being married.  

    oh...and I think this is a VERY important issue for MICHIGAN!  there, nick, you can't delete it, or unfairly criticize me and not let me respond...it's about Michigan.  

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