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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    It takes a lot to write what was written above... (none / 0) (#14)
    by KG One on Mon Jun 16, 2008 at 11:59:44 PM EST
    ...and that says much about the individual writing it.

    Commissioner, take this for what you will, but you have absolutely nothing to feel sorry for.

    You are one of the few elected Republican officials who were willing to take an active stand against higher taxes, and for that you should be commended.

    Unlike the Republican-controlled Supreme Court did not want to take up the appeal.

    Unlike the Republican Secretary of State who decided to go roto-rooter on the recall campaign, especially with the petitions and the status of the circulators.

    Unlike the Republican legislators were discouraging the recall, and even worse, the "Republican" legislators publicly supporting one of the people behind it.

    Which is about as bad as when I read about the fact that there were Republican senators and representatives in Lansing who embraced the tax increases last year.

    I was disappointed to hear about the final outcome from the SoS.

    I was disappointed to watch the OTR episode which turned into a four-on-one pile on. Tim Skubick's reaction to your point about Dillon raising the gas tax was priceless, definitely one of his hot buttons. In the end, you stood your ground and did an exceptional job defending your position given the circumstances.

    For a term-limited official to do more to promote a party's values more than those currently in office, this is should be a wake up call that something is seriously wrong here.

    I do hope that you keep up your efforts. It's more than can be said of the Republican "leadership" that we have here in Michigan.

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