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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    part of the MC's $1.9 billion (none / 0) (#6)
    by maidintheus on Sun May 04, 2008 at 07:30:52 AM EST
    Balancing a budget comes BEFORE you bounce a check or have a problem NOT AFTER. Saying we are balancing a budget by raising taxes is something a clown says/does. That would be like me bouncing a check but the bank covering it with other's funds. If you're not an individual who balances your budget for your family at home, you won't get this. If you are someone familiar with balancing your budget at home, you understand that the only way to balance your budget is to stay within your means.

    The reason for a required budget balance is to stay within means. It is illegal to bounce checks.

    It's rather silly to argue over one (1) thing on a list of many. The budget has so many areas that could be trimmed. This would balance the budget without raising taxes.  

    When there are problems in this area and we pretend to fix them by raising taxes/giving ourselves a raise/not talking about actual problem, we show a group of people (politicians)who have another group (citizens) of people working for them.

    Some have forgotten who works for whom and to whom this country belongs.

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