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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    No more proof needed. (none / 0) (#1)
    by LookingforReagan on Thu May 29, 2008 at 09:07:25 AM EST
    No more proof is needed to see that Unions kill jobs. The people of the state of Michigan must understand the need to free ourselves from the thuggery of Unions, the sooner the better. What has the labor movement accomplished here in Michigan? They destroy more jobs and families by their actions then the company managers they seek to demonize. But then that is the way of the left.Two of the reasons I hear most often from companies and business people that have considered locating in Michigan is taxes and unions. They just don't want the hassel of the one and they don't want the burden of the other. We the People must decide which way the state is to go. Obviously we are on the wrong track. Jenny No Jobs has ruled over a state govenment that has lost 90,000 jobs a year in the private sector throughout her tenure. She has tried the old failed Liberal ideas about economics and she has come up box cars everytime. Conservatism is the answer. If Liberalism gave us these problems then it's opposite should do very well to eliminate the damage done by the left. Repeal of the Granholm-Dillion-ger tax increases, reduction in the number of state employees, restructuring the way the state does business are all things that have to be done. If not, then the moving companies are the only area of the economy that will see an increase in business activities. Clean house.Anybody and everybody that voted for that abomination of a tax increase needs to find another line of work. Picking the pockets of the tax payers is going to be a loser in this election year. All that have engaged in it need to be shown the door.From Granlarceny all the way down the line to the members of the legislature that took the easy way out even though that way further damaged the economy and destroyed the lives and livelyhoods of tens of thousands of Michigan workers. When are we going to be willing to fight the battle for Lansing and for Michigan, for ourselves? We must start now. Don't be discouraged by what has happened with the recall of Andy "John" Dillion-ger. That was to be expected. We can get it done. If we care about this state and what it will become then we must. Let us begin here and now. Recall Jenny No Jobs. Recall Dillion-ger. Recall all of the members of both houses that voted for the tax increase. We don' need anymore lazy legislators in Lansing whose only talent is picking our pockets everytime their Liberal Socialist policies fail to produce the desired result.

    • copy and paste by NoviDemocrat, 05/29/2008 11:09:27 PM EST (none / 0)

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