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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    This is why/how cops have/get a bad name. (none / 0) (#3)
    by maidintheus on Wed Apr 23, 2008 at 09:47:15 AM EST
    They should be ashamed! Redford Police are cooperating with illegality. They help undermine your lawful rights. OMGosh!!

    At anytime the Police need to be mindful of P.R. To be so obviously political is extremely poor judgment when ALL people pay for their services.

    To be involved in criminal activity, obstruction of legal rights, and the people needing a restraining order AGAINST THE POLICE is a horror!

    The Officers on the front line will suffer the disrespect for this the most. That is a shame. Most are probably the good guys. This type of thing from their superiors will cause the public to view them as the enemy of the law.

    This is why Police are blamed if they have to use force. This is why it's so difficult when they NEED to use force.

    This is a tragedy for every cop in the nation. It is dangerous for every citizen in the nation. Because cops get a bad name they are constrained in their ability to use force when the good citizens need their protection. This is why we should all be upset at this despicable behavior.

    I've called the Redford Police to let them know that this undermines their credibility and that of their fellow officers across the nation.

    Chief Of Police John Buck: 313-387-2585  

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