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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    I don't think that it is foolish (none / 0) (#1)
    by snoopygirlmi on Thu Feb 07, 2008 at 12:16:31 PM EST
    to have a difference of opinion.  I just haven't come up with a good enough reason to suck it up and vote for McCain.  Party Unity - is not a strong argument in my mind.  Since when has our party been unified, "Republicans for Granholm".  

    I really don't buy into most of what he says and if we are going to have the choice between Dem-lite and Dem, then you might as well go with the "real thing".  

    I mean, look at how fast "New Coke" went away after it was introduced because people wanted the original - not a new formula.

    During the Clinton years, the Republicans did gain seats in the House and Senate and across the country in terms of Governors and State legislatures.

    But the divisions in our party have been there for a long time and it's going to take more than a "conservative from a midwest state as VP" to make me rally around this guy.

    However, I do agree with you that Republicans/conservatives should do more to reach out to minority communities.  If you don't ask for their vote, then why should we be surprised when they don't vote for us.

    Then, again, I'm waiting for McCain to give me a good reason to vote for him and he's just not speaking my language.  

    As for the racism issue, most people I know have a problem with illegal immigration, not legal immigration.  It's not about pointing fingers at Hispanics, OTMs, and others because they have a different skin color.  It's about making sure people follow the law to get here.

    Ellis Island, at least, screened people for diseases and checked out who they were before they were allowed to enter the country.  

    Also, how do you expect people to react to "other" groups when they are anxious and scared about their own futures?  Yeah, it's unfortunate that it still happens in 2008; however, people are scared and worried about the future - it's typical behavior to want to protect "your own" and make sure "your own" have what they need.  People see costs rising for everything and if illegals aren't paying taxes or hospital bills or for general schooling, then those of us who are here legally or are citizens are going to cry foul because we still want everyone to have access to an education or health care.  It's not rocket science that this group of people are ticked off.


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