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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    by blazer on Thu Feb 28, 2008 at 01:43:23 PM EST
    Nick where is this third option you give "recuse herself from lottery related votes in comm."? Your words in the article were QUOTE " ...resign her chairmanship immediately , promise to permanently recuse herself from any and all gambling related votes and hearings " Your words Nick. Then you said in your last posting QUOTE "she can offer to recuse herself from lottery related votes in Comm." Which is it? The debate should be whether to change R432.2 from employees and contractors to include the Comm. chair. maybe add all Reps. and senators as they vote on lottery related matters.This is not a Farrah issue. Prior to this happening which one of my conservative Rep. friends tried to change R432.2 ? umm...Move forward , and not by calling on Rep. Farrah to resign or give it back . She has done NOTHING wrong


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