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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    I don't like this idea and I have never liked it (none / 0) (#13)
    by Chris Arndt on Tue Dec 09, 2008 at 12:28:48 PM EST
    If we start treating our modern voters as "African-Americans" or "black people" rather than people, voters, and citizens, if we treated people as those needing a certain sort of interest on the basis of the color of their skin we are no better and no different than the Democrats.

    Yes, I think that regardless of how successful the Democrat Party is at swaying and sweeping voting blocs that can be separated along ethnic and skin-color distinctions it is not something that should be imitated. I just said that we should not imitate success.

    I do not believe the Republican Party should be a Party for the Black People, or one especially serving the needs "of the African-Americans".

    What we strongly lack is outreach to Urban areas, urban citizens, and the Republicans are so poor at reaching out to Urban Conservatives, most urban conservative voters vote for the Democrat candidate. There is a temptation to merely use "urban" as a password for "Black" which is fine if that is what someone wants to do. I won't do it. Yet going to Detroit in an attempt to reach out to people of one skin color is a transparent thrust at pandering and the larger problem is that for a number of reasons you will still see large chunks of white funk population, swept into that same culture, voting against their own interests and morals as they mark down straight ticket Democrat on the ballot.

    We lack Urban outreach. Look at Lansing. Lansing votes overwhelmingly Democrat every time they have a chance. The two front-runners in every election for mayor are Democrats. I do not recall a Republican even making the attempt, let alone a Republican having the assets to make a serious attempt. Does Lansing have a population of Black and White folk? It obviously does and there obviously is a majority of one and a minority of the other. The voting constituency of Detroit is not reversed, with a dark-skinned majority and pale-skinned minority, it votes overwhelming Democrat as far back as I bother to remember! What the Republicans need to do is show up! The Republicans need to not merely place a token candidate (although if a viable candidate is not available, a token is necessary) but to wage a war to meet these people, and to make it clear that we are reaching out to all folk. When a member of the ethnic majority (or whatever term I should use) sees us reaching out to a member of the smaller group it has an impact and it communicates that they would matter to us if he was suddenly on the other end.

    Voter Outreach should be a net, not a fishing line. Do not bait the hook for a certain type of catch! Sweep the seas.

    Mind you, while I want the vote of everyone, the worst thing to do is to tailor our platform to please everyone! That is a different issue entirely. Absolute inclusion is a violation of definitive morality, a doctrinal stance, or even having a philosophy.


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