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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    This is a family friendly website. (none / 0) (#7)
    by Rougman on Wed Dec 03, 2008 at 10:03:12 AM EST
    I'll do my best to tone down my language.

    What a bunch of idiots. If idiocy produced light these guys could be seen from space. These morons have no clue that to have well paid employees you must have profitable employers.  Why should a company keep its doors open if it is not profitable?  Why would a company attract investors if it does not perform well?  Why should a company not try to do what it can to increase its long-term profit potential?  

    If I were GM, or Ford, or Chrysler, I would immediately begin making long term plans to shift my entire manufacturing and professional operations to Alabama or Texas or somewhere warmer where there are fewer idiots.  Anywhere but this Democrat forsaken state.  

    The state of Michigan and its belligerant unions have somehow determined that the auto companies are their captives and will only survive on the gruel spoon fed them from Lansing and Ron Gettelfinger's office.  This type of thinking, though rare, occurs when the brain is located deeply within the lower intestine.  

    Sure, the auto companies have billions and billions of dollars invested in this state, but what do they ever get in return?  They are the bad guys, the greedy, the selfish.  But, the auto executives are not without a lot of leverage here. If they survive the next few months, will they concentrate on using the leverage that they have?  Up until now executives have been content to kick the can down the road into tomorrow.  For the first time in many years, these executives are wondering how many tomorrows there might be.  You can see the desperation reflecting off their tin cups.

    Several years ago, GM shifted a huge amount of its manufacturing from Michigan to the Arlington assembly plant in Texas.  Thousands of jobs were lost to Michigan.  Thousands of homes went vacant in SE Michigan but thousands more were sold in north Texas.  Thousands of children began learning about Travis and Austin and forgot about Father Marquette.  Those children are now going to UT or SMU instead of Michigan and CMU.  Millions of cups of coffee are sold every year in D/FW that are no longer being consumed in Michigan.  For every bakery or grocery store that closes up here, a new one opens down there.

    Don't get me wrong, I do not want to see any of the big 3 go belly up, and I do not want to see any of them move south either.  However, if either of those things is to happen, I want to see Fred Miller, hat in hand, take all the verbal abuse he has coming to him.  To call this guy a braying ass is an insult to braying asses everywhere--not that he is smart enough to understand that tired zinger.

    Oh, and !##y@(&&!!

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