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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    An opportunity. A problem. (none / 0) (#14)
    by leondrolet on Thu Dec 04, 2008 at 02:05:06 PM EST
    The 'opportunity' is that Dems have just reminded anyone paying any attention that they are 1970s era dinosaurs on economic policy.

    Eight years of big-spending Bush and big-government Congressional Republicans convinced voters that maybe the Dems deserve another chance on economic issues. They have their chance and THIS is the message that they deliver? That they are unionosaurs beholden to Stalinomics. Perfect for the GOP!

    But then Ken Braun, ever the kill-joy, brings up one little problem. Too many Republicans cower before the shrinking thugosauruses. These GOPers remain fearful of taking a stand on anything where there is now, or ever was, opposition.

    This avoidance of opposition is not, however, the fault of the politician. It is the JOB of a politician to avoid anything resembling opposition of any sort in their continued quest to just stick around in Lansing.

    The fault lies with US and Republican PRIMARY voters that never punish cowardly RINO behavior at the ballot box.

    At the same time, get a copy of the Capitol Confidential that Ken references and call the good guys - those willing to vote in favor of a free and prosperous economy - and THANK them!  

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