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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Chevrolet Volt (none / 0) (#3)
    by michiganmav on Mon Dec 29, 2008 at 04:00:59 PM EST
    In Granholm's state of the state address in 2005 she cites one of her accomplishments as:
    "Last year, I promised we would re-engineer our permit approval process for manufacturing facilities, and, we did. In October, we approved a General Motors plant in Flint in just 21 days ... not 20 weeks or nearly 20 months like before ... 21 days. Why? Jobs were at stake. And, jobs are at stake now."
    (I know its a hard read, when good intentions beholden to blind ideals goes horribly wrong)

    In 2008 she gave GM the tax credits to swiftly move to produce the 1.4 Litre engine to be used in the Volt/Cruz... the same engine that has been used in Germany and Brazil for the Opel and Corsa since ta daaa 2005.
    Well you would think that in her world travels she might have noticed that there could have been three years of engines being pumped out of a Michgan factory or maybe two, supplying those 1.4 Litre engines for vehicles in Germany and Brazil.

    How does a state or federal government, GM or the UAW... just look the other away when they see an opportunity to pull out all the stops and make something happen that just seems right... Why? when Jobs were at stake. And, jobs are at stake now.

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